Has weeding gotten you down or are you just over it? We’ve been experimenting in gardens using Rooreh (also known as Miner’s Lettuce or Claytonia perfoliata) to help reduce weeds. It comes up faster than most weeds and covers the soil very densely until dying back mid-summer. Once planted, they will come back vigorously every year. They are also a healthy and very tasty salad green!
Rooreh won’t work for weed control if you have a whole bunch of small plants (it will overwhelm them), but it is particularly useful in established gardens and any partially shaded areas. It’s not too bad in full sun here in the East Bay either.
We have a large batch of Rooreh seeds available if you’d like to try this new method of weed control. You must get the seeds dispersed ASAP for them to be effective. We are selling these in 1 oz. bags for $25/bag. This is enough to cover most yards. They are available in the nursery only, not by mail order.
The nursery is open every Friday from 9:30-4. Come get some seeds this Friday and say goodbye to endless weeding!